(लक्ष्य व्यासन मुक्ति केंद्र, बदरवास)


Evidence-Based Practices


Family Involvement and Therapy

Privacy and Confidentiality

Flexible Treatment Programs

Many people have faced peculiar and complex ailments as our society has developed. One such concern is addiction, which is becoming a big problem for modern humanity. To address this need, Laksh Vyasan Mukti Kendra, Badarwas, offers psychosocial counseling and therapy in conjunction with drug treatments and counseling.

Our Vyasan Mukti Kendra is committed to providing you with the best possible care. Each aspect of our Vyasan Mukti program has been carefully designed based on our extensive 15 years of experience. Our journey has complied with the World Health Organization’s substance use disorder treatment and management guidelines.


Our team at Laksh Vyasan Mukti Kendra, Badarwas, consists of skilled professionals who are committed to providing excellent care and assistance to all those who come to us seeking help. We offer a variety of evidence-based Vyasan Mukti treatments that are tailored to meet the unique needs of every individual. Our services include detoxification, individual and group therapy, family therapy, and aftercare support.

At Laksh Vyasan Mukti we believe that addiction is a treatable disease and that with the right support, anyone can achieve lasting recovery. We aim to assist people in conquering addiction while also equipping them with the necessary abilities and resources to sustain their recovery and flourish in their daily lives.

If you or a loved one is facing addiction, we are available to offer assistance. Please get in touch with us directly to arrange a consultation. We are eager to collaborate with you on your path to healing.

लक्ष्य व्यासन मुक्ति केंद्र, बदरवास

यदि आप खुद को किसी भी तरह के नशे के सेवन के लिए प्राप्त पाते हैं और उससे छुटकारा पाना चाहते हैं, तो हमारा लक्ष्य व्यासन मुक्ति केंद्र, बदरवास, आपकी सहायता के लिए तत्पर उपलब्ध है।

‘व्यासन’ एक ऐसा शब्द है जिसका जिक्र करना समाज में निषेध है। नशे या नशा मुक्ति हेतु किसी भी प्रकार का वाद-विवाद करने से व्यक्ति झिझकते हैं और इस विषय पर चर्चा करने से हिचकिचाते भी हैं। इस वजह से जिन लोगों को नशा मुक्त होना है या वे अपने नशे की आदतों से परेशान हैं और अब इससे मुक्त होना चाहते हैं, वे दूसरों से इस बारे में बात करने से भी कटराते हैं। समाज में नशे के प्रति जो सोच में विरोध है, वही इंसान के नशा मुक्त होने में सबसे बड़ी अडचन है। हम इस विरोधी सोच और व्यासन मुक्ति के बीच का पुल बन रहे हैं और लोगों की व्यासन मुक्ति यात्रा में उनके सहारे के साथ-साथ उनको एक्सपर्ट ट्रीटमेंट और पेशेवर मार्गदर्शन भी उपलब्ध करवाते हैं।

लक्ष्य व्यासन मुक्ति केंद्र, बदरवास, 35 वर्षों से चल रही एक पेशेवर संस्थान और मेडिकल सेंटर है जो उन लोगों के लिए बना है जो नशे से छुटकारा पाना और एक साफ, सुत्र और तंदरुस्त जीवनशैली अपना चाहते हैं।

हमसे जुड़ने के लिए या हमारे द्वारा प्रबंधन सेवाओं को उपलब्ध करवाने के लिए, कृपया हमसे नीचे दिए गए नंबर पर संपर्क करें।



Laksh Vyasan Mukti Centre, Badarwas, is equipped with an infrastructure that is modern and up-to-date, providing a comfortable and supportive environment for individuals in search of addiction recovery.


We have integrated the latest technological advancements and amenities to guarantee that our clients receive the best possible care and support.


Our Vyasan Mukti Kendra center features modern, spacious living areas that are fully furnished and designed to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The living spaces are designed to promote relaxation and tranquility, with comfortable seating, soothing lighting, and calming colors.


The therapy rooms at our Vyasan Mukti center are equipped with advanced technology, such as interactive whiteboards and video conferencing capabilities. This allows our clients to participate in group therapy sessions with individuals from all over the world, increasing their exposure to diverse perspectives and experiences.


Our center also features a state-of-the-art fitness center, complete with cardio and strength training equipment, as well as yoga and meditation rooms. Physical exercise is an essential component of recovery, and our Vyasan Mukti Kendra facility is designed to support our clients’ physical well-being.


The dining facilities at the Laksh Vyasan Mukti Kendra are equipped with the latest technology to provide nutritious and delicious meals that are tailored to each client’s dietary requirements. Our chefs are experienced in creating healthy and tasty meals that promote overall wellness and recovery.


The outdoor spaces at the Vyasan Mukti Kendra are designed to promote relaxation and connection with nature. Our clients can enjoy the beautiful gardens, walking trails, and outdoor seating areas, all of which are designed to promote relaxation and tranquility.


Our comprehensive program at Laksh Vyasan Mukti Kendra is designed to help you break free from the hold of drug addiction with the aid of compassionate support and evidence-based therapies. By providing guidance and resources, we offer a pathway to recovery, enabling you to build a life that is free from dependency.


In addition to our physical infrastructure, our Vyasan Mukti Kendra is also equipped with the latest technology to support our client’s recovery journey.


We assist our clients in conquering addiction and attaining enduring recovery utilizing evidence-based treatments, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and motivational interviewing through various programs offered at our Laksh Vyasan Mukti Kendra.


Our team of experienced professionals at the Vyasan Mukti Kendra is dedicated to providing the highest quality care and support to every individual who walks through our doors. We believe that addiction is a treatable disease and that with the right support, anyone can achieve lasting recovery.


The primary goal at Laksh Vyasan Mukti is to offer top-notch infrastructure for those seeking to recover from addiction. We are dedicated to providing an environment that is both supportive and welcoming, where individuals can feel comfortable as they embark on their journey to wellness and healing.


Laksh Vyasan Mukti Kendra commits to delivering the highest quality care and support to ensure that our clients receive the best possible outcomes.

व्यसन मुक्ति केंद्र : शराबीपन और उसके संकेत

व्यसन मुक्ति केंद्र  व्यक्तियों को शराबीपन के चंगुल से मुक्ति दिलाने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते हैं। शराबीपन, जिसे अल्कोहल उपयोग विकार भी कहा जाता है, कई संकेतों और लक्षणों के माध्यम से प्रकट होता है। व्यसन मुक्ति केंद्र  में, विशेषज्ञ इन संकेतों की पहचान कर, व्यक्तियों को सही मार्गदर्शन और उपचार प्रदान करते हैं।

पहला संकेत शराब के प्रति बढ़ती लालसा है। जब कोई व्यक्ति बार-बार शराब पीने की इच्छा महसूस करता है और उसके बिना रहने में असमर्थता अनुभव करता है, तो यह व्यसन मुक्ति केंद्र  की सहायता लेने का समय है। दूसरा संकेत है शराब का सेवन बढ़ाना। जब व्यक्ति को समान प्रभाव के लिए अधिक मात्रा में शराब की आवश्यकता होने लगती है, तो यह चिंताजनक है।



तीसरा संकेत व्यवहार में परिवर्तन है। शराब के प्रभाव में असामाजिक या हानिकारक व्यवहार करना व्यसन मुक्ति केंद्र  के हस्तक्षेप की मांग करता है। चौथा संकेत है शारीरिक निर्भरता। शराब न पीने पर वापसी के लक्षण जैसे कि कांपना, चिड़चिड़ापन या बेचैनी महसूस करना, नशा मुक्ति केंद्र की ओर रुख करने के लिए एक स्पष्ट संकेत है। 

अंतिम संकेत है जीवन में बाधा। जब शराब पीने की आदत काम, पारिवारिक संबंधों, और सामाजिक जीवन में बाधा उत्पन्न करने लगे, तो नशा मुक्ति केंद्र में उपचार अनिवार्य हो जाता है। इन संकेतों को पहचानकर और समय पर व्यसन मुक्ति केंद्र  की मदद लेकर, व्यक्ति एक स्वस्थ और संतुलित जीवन की ओर कदम बढ़ा सकता है।



Drug De-addiction at Laksh Vyasan Mukti Kendra, BADARWAS

Our all-inclusive program has been meticulously crafted to assist you in overcoming the grip of drug addiction with the assistance of empathetic support and scientifically proven therapies. Our team of professionals is dedicated to providing you with the necessary tools and resources, paving the way toward your full recovery, and helping you establish a life that is completely independent of any substance dependency.

Alcohol De-addiction at Laksh Vyasan Mukti Kendra

Our specialized de-addiction program is designed to help you rediscover the freedom from alcohol dependency. We understand the challenges that come with addiction and offer personalized care that is tailored to your unique needs. Our proven strategies have helped many individuals overcome addiction and embrace a sober lifestyle, which paves the way for a brighter future. You can trust us to provide you with the support you need to achieve long-lasting recovery and regain control of your life.

Tobacco De-addiction at Laksh Vyasan Mukti Kendra

Are you tired of being addicted to tobacco and want to lead a healthier life? If yes, then you have come to the right place! Our program provides a comprehensive and personalized approach to help you quit smoking for good. We offer ample support and resources to empower you to lead a smoke-free life. So, say goodbye to tobacco addiction and hello to a healthier and happier you!

लक्ष व्यसन मुक्ति केंद्र (बदरवास) कैसे काम करती है?

बुरहरजवादबैहरलक्ष व्यसन मुक्ति केंद्र (बदरवास) एक ऐसी संस्था है जो व्यक्तियों को नशे की लत से मुक्ति दिलाने का कार्य करती है। यह केंद्र एक समग्र दृष्टिकोण अपनाते हुए उपचार प्रदान करता है, जिसमें व्यक्तिगत परामर्श, समूह चर्चाएं, और चिकित्सीय उपचार शामिल हैं। लक्ष व्यसन मुक्ति केंद्र में, प्रारंभिक चरण में रोगी का विस्तृत मूल्यांकन किया जाता है, जिससे उनकी विशिष्ट जरूरतों को समझा जा सके। इसके बाद, एक व्यक्तिगत उपचार योजना बनाई जाती है जो व्यक्ति के नशे की प्रकृति और उसके व्यसन की गंभीरता के आधार पर निर्धारित होती है। उपचार में शामिल हैं चिकित्सीय उपचार, जैसे कि दवाओं का प्रयोग वापसी के लक्षणों को प्रबंधित करने के लिए, साथ ही मानसिक स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं का उपचार। व्यक्तिगत परामर्श और समूह चर्चाएं व्यक्ति को उनके व्यसन के मूल कारणों को समझने और उनसे निपटने की रणनीतियां विकसित करने में मदद करती हैं। 

लक्ष व्यसन मुक्ति केंद्र (बदरवास) में, रोगी को एक स्वस्थ जीवन शैली की ओर मार्गदर्शन किया जाता है, जिसमें शारीरिक व्यायाम, सही पोषण, और स्ट्रेस प्रबंधन तकनीकें शामिल हैं। इसके अलावा, रोगी को सामाजिक समर्थन प्रणाली विकसित करने और उन्हें स्थायी सोबर जीवन शैली में अनुकूलित करने में मदद की जाती है। अंततः, लक्ष व्यसन मुक्ति केंद्र का उद्देश्य व्यक्तियों को उनके नशे की लत से न केवल मुक्ति दिलाना है, बल्कि उन्हें एक स्वस्थ और संतुलित जीवन की ओर भी अग्रसर करना है।



Family Outreach Program:

Strengthen family bonds and ignite hope with our Family Outreach Program. At our Vyasan Mukti Kendra, we offer a supportive space for families affected by addiction, fostering understanding, healing, and the path to recovery together.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy:

Rewrite your story and reclaim control with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Our personalized approach at the Laksh Vyasan Mukti Kendra equips you with practical tools to challenge negative patterns, empowering you to overcome addiction and embrace a life of purpose.


Dialect Behavioral Therapy:

Transform your life with Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. Laksh Vyasan Mukti Kendra’s holistic approach helps you develop essential skills for emotional regulation and interpersonal effectiveness, fostering resilience and sustainable recovery.


Gambling De-addiction at Vyasan Mukti Kendra

Take control of your life and overcome gambling addiction with our tailored program. Through support and effective strategies, we empower individuals to break free from the cycle of compulsive gambling, paving the way for a more stable and fulfilling future.


Interpersonal Therapy at Laksh Vyasan Mukti Kendra

Cultivate meaningful connections and navigate life’s challenges with Interpersonal Therapy. Our client-centered approach addresses relationship dynamics, empowering you to foster healthier connections and emotional well-being.


Meditation Therapy:

Find peace and balance within through Meditation Therapy. Our Vyasan Mukti Kendra program is guided by experienced practitioners and offers a sanctuary for mindfulness and self-reflection, promoting holistic healing and personal growth.


Self-Help Groups at Laksh Vyasan Mukti Kendra

Embrace the power of Vyasan Mukti Kendra’s community on your journey to recovery with our Self-Help Groups. Connect with others, share experiences, and gain support in a nurturing environment, fostering lasting sobriety and personal development.


Chronic Depression Therapy:

Overcome the weight of chronic depression and embrace hope with the specialized therapy program at our Vyasan Mukti Kendra. Our compassionate therapists provide support and evidence-based interventions to help you break free from despair and rediscover joy in life.


Physiological Therapy:

Physiological Therapy is a great way to take care of your body and mind. At Laksh Vyasan Mukti Kendra we use a holistic approach that combines physical exercise, relaxation techniques, and mindfulness practices to help you improve your overall well-being and maintain long-term recovery.


Nutritional Therapy

Fuel your recovery with Nutritional Therapy at the Laksh Vyasan Mukti Kendra. Our personalized guidance and education empower you to make healthy food choices, supporting physical vitality and emotional well-being on your journey to sobriety.

कैसे पता करें अंतर्वासीय व्यसन मुक्ति केंद्र  उपचार की आवश्यकता है

अंतर्वासीय व्यसन मुक्ति केंद्र  का उपचार तब आवश्यक होता है जब व्यक्ति नशे की गिरफ्त में इतना बंध जाता है कि उसे अपनी दैनिक जीवनशैली में गंभीर परेशानियाँ उत्पन्न होने लगती हैं। यदि व्यक्ति नशे के बिना रहने में असमर्थता महसूस करता है और उसके व्यवहार में असामान्य परिवर्तन आने लगे हैं, तो ऐसे में अंतर्वासीय व्यसन मुक्ति केंद्र  की मदद लेना अत्यंत जरूरी हो जाता है। 

अगर व्यक्ति अपने कामकाज, पारिवारिक जीवन और सामाजिक संबंधों में नकारात्मक प्रभाव महसूस करने लगे और उसकी स्वास्थ्य स्थिति में भी गिरावट आए, तो यह अंतर्वासीय व्यसन मुक्ति केंद्र  का सहारा लेने का संकेत है।  

एक अच्छे व्यसन मुक्ति केंद्र  में, व्यक्ति को समग्र उपचार प्रदान किया जाता है जिसमें मानसिक स्वास्थ्य का समर्थन, व्यसन से मुक्ति के लिए चिकित्सकीय सहायता और व्यक्तिगत सलाह शामिल होती है। यदि व्यक्ति नशे के कारण अपने जीवन को संभालने में असमर्थ हो, तो अंतर्वासीय व्यसन मुक्ति केंद्र  में उपचार उसे एक नई दिशा और उम्मीद प्रदान कर सकता है।  

इस प्रकार, नशे की लत से ग्रस्त व्यक्ति को समय रहते अंतर्वासीय व्यसन मुक्ति केंद्र  में उपचार की आवश्यकता होती है, जहाँ उसे सही मार्गदर्शन और समर्थन मिल सके।


How do I deal with insomnia or sleep disturbances during drug rehabilitation at the Vyasan Mukti Kendra?

To manage insomnia or sleep disruptions during Vyasan Mukti Treatment, it is important to adopt healthy sleep habits and address any underlying factors that may be contributing to sleep difficulties. Vyasan Mukti programs may provide education on sleep hygiene, relaxation techniques, and strategies for managing stress to promote better sleep. In addition, healthcare professionals may evaluate individuals for any co-occurring sleep disorders or withdrawal symptoms that may impact sleep quality and offer appropriate interventions or medications as needed. By prioritizing sleep health and addressing sleep disturbances, individuals can support their overall well-being and recovery progress.

Can I receive Vyasan Mukti treatment if I'm homeless?

Many Vyasan Mukti programs can accommodate individuals who are homeless and in need of drug treatment. Services such as temporary housing, case management, and access to community resources may be available to support those experiencing homelessness during their treatment. By addressing substance abuse and providing stability and support, drug rehabilitation programs strive to help individuals overcome their homelessness and rebuild their lives.

What is the role of peer support groups in Vyasan Mukti Kendra?

Peer support groups are essential in Vyasan Mukti as they create a sense of community, understanding, and accountability. These groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA), provide a platform for people to share their recovery experiences, challenges, and achievements. Peer support groups encourage mutual support, empathy, and motivation, fostering a sense of belonging and connection among individuals on the road to recovery. Participating in peer support groups can help individuals gain valuable insights, learn from other’s experiences, and develop coping skills to maintain sobriety and achieve Nasha Mukthi or Vyasan Mukthi.

Can Vyasan Mukti Kendra help with improving social skills and communication?

Many Vyasan Mukti Kendra programs have components that focus on enhancing social skills and communication. Interpersonal relationships and communication abilities may be impaired due to substance abuse, which can lead to isolation and difficulty connecting with others. To help individuals develop healthier communication patterns and interpersonal connections, rehabilitation programs may offer group therapy sessions, role-playing exercises, and interpersonal skills training. As part of their recovery journey, individuals can improve their social skills and build social support networks by practicing effective communication techniques and strengthening their relationships at Laksh Vyasan Mukti Kendra

How do I handle boredom and loneliness during Vyasan Mukti's Treatment?

When undergoing treatment at a Vyasan Mukti Kendra, it’s important to find ways to avoid boredom and loneliness by engaging in activities that are fulfilling and productive. Rehabilitation programs often offer a range of activities, including educational, recreational, and therapeutic options, to help individuals stay engaged and promote personal growth. In addition, participating in group therapy, peer support groups, and outings can help people connect with others and avoid feelings of isolation. By exploring new interests, building meaningful relationships, and seeking support from professionals and peers, individuals can manage boredom and loneliness and stay focused on their recovery goals.

Can I receive Vyasan Mukti Kendra’s treatment if I have a history of violence?

Individuals who have a history of violence can typically receive Vyasan Mukti treatment for drug rehabilitation. Many programs are equipped to address complex behavioral issues and provide specialized interventions. Anger management classes, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and conflict resolution skills training may be offered by the Vyasan Mukti Kendra facilities to help individuals address underlying issues contributing to violent behavior. In addition, rehabilitation professionals work closely with individuals to ensure the safety of all participants and create a supportive environment conducive to healing and recovery.

Are there Vyasan Mukti programs that focus on art therapy?

There are Vyasan Mukti programs that make use of art therapy as a form of therapy. Art therapy allows individuals to express themselves creatively, delve into emotions, and process experiences nonverbally. By engaging in activities such as painting, drawing, sculpture, and other artistic endeavors, individuals can gain insight into their thoughts and feelings, reduce stress, and enhance self-awareness. Art therapy is often incorporated into holistic rehab programs at the Vyasan Mukti Kendra to complement traditional therapeutic approaches and provide individuals with additional avenues for self-expression and healing.

Can I receive Vyasan Mukti Kendra’s treatment if I have a history of substance-induced psychosis?

Individuals who have experienced substance-induced psychosis can benefit from the treatment at a Vyasan Mukti Kendra, as many rehabilitation programs are designed to deal with co-occurring mental health disorders and provide specialized care. Psychiatric assessment, medication management, and therapy approaches tailored to address psychosis and related symptoms may be available at rehabilitation facilities. In addition, Vyasan Mukti Kendra professionals work collaboratively with psychiatric providers to ensure effective treatment and support for individuals in achieving their recovery goals while managing their mental health needs.

How do I manage cravings and triggers after completing the treatment at a Vyasan Mukti Kendra?

After completing the treatment at a Vyasan Mutki Kendra, it is important to manage cravings and triggers to prevent relapse. This involves developing effective coping strategies, building a strong support network, and staying engaged in recovery activities. Rehabilitation programs at Vyasan Mukti Kendras equip individuals with the necessary skills to identify triggers, challenge cravings, and implement healthy coping mechanisms, such as mindfulness, exercise, and engaging in fulfilling activities that promote overall well-being. It is also important to continue participating in support groups, therapy, and relapse prevention planning to receive ongoing support and accountability to navigate cravings and triggers successfully while maintaining sobriety. By prioritizing these strategies, individuals can increase their chances of maintaining long-term recovery and leading a fulfilling life free from substance abuse.